Ezekiel Emmanuel

Ezekiel Emmanuel

CEO Prestigious property ltd 0 properties
Address: Plot 414, A close , first Avenue gwarimpa. Abuja Nigeria
Phone: 07032094830

Company: Prestigious property ltd
Licenses: RC 546786
Office Number: 07032094830
Office Address: Plot 414, A close , first Avenue gwarimpa. Abuja Nigeria


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Am a professional Real Estate agent and Realtor. Affiliated with bilaad, prestigious property, cosgrove, brains and harmer, Paradise estate etc. And a hardworking commitment and and probably the most honest agent with highest prestigious a d integrity. Am also a contractor under going my second degree in National open University of Nigeria.

I sell and buys building and road contractfor myself and client. I manage and plazas estate and personal buildings with utmost sincerity and professionalism.

Am open minded and friendly when need be.

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